2021 National Literary (Writing) Contest — Guidelines

Writing Contest Guidelines
Entries must be submitted by 10 p.m. on Saturday, August 7th, 2021.
Please carefully read and follow the submission guidelines below:
- To be eligible, you must be a confirmed registered and active (YOUTH) member of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in Nigeria.
- By entering the contest, you confirm that the essay submission is your own original creation, and not entered for any other contest or similar event, not even in part. Nor will texts previously published in print or on any platform or communication media be valid.
- A written essay is the only literary form accepted (no poems, plays, songs, etc.).
- Only one essay may be submitted by each contestant.
- Each essay should reflect the contestant’s own interpretation and original thinking.
- Each essay should be given an original title.
- Fill your Participant’s Personal Verification Details on the last page of the work, and again on the body of the email.
Essay Specifications:
- Entries are to be written in English language
- The essay must not exceed 20 (A4-size) pages written on one side, including the cover and closing pages, double-spaced.
- Use 12-point font (preferably Times New Roman or Arial).
- Use 1-inch margins all around.
- Do not justify the right margin.
- Pages should be sequentially numbered.
- Essay is to be submitted on both WORD and PDF versions.
- Essay may include all types of images and / or graphic documents which help to explain the topic of the work submitted.
Essays will be judged on the following criteria:
- Creativity – Does the essay reflect a creative and original perspective on the book?
- Organization – Does the argument follow a logical and easily understood progression?
- Clarity – Did the author use concise language?
- Unity/Development of thought – Does the essay reflect a thorough comprehension of the subject and our Vincentian Apostolate?
- Grammar/Mechanics – Did the contestant use correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation?
Judging of Submissions:
- The essays will be independently judged by a committee of 7 professional judges, and collected by a secret planning team.
- Finalists will be announced and invited to the National Youth Convention where the Winners will be announced.
- The winners will receive their awards upon announcement during the Convention, August 26th – 29th, 2021.
Submitting Your Essay:
Entries must be received electronically on/before 10 p.m. on Saturday: August 7th, 2021 at the following email: youthaffairs@ssvp.org.ng and copy adrianpastol@gmail.com
When submitting, please attach an electronic (Both WORD and PDF) version of your essay to the email.
Participant’s Personal Verification Details:
Include the following information in the body of your email message:
- Name
- Email address
- Phone number
- Conference
- Name of Central Council
- Name of Metropolitan Council
- Name of Conference President (Adult)
- Phone number of Conference President
Monetary prizes for the Literary Competition winners:
a.- The writers of the three best entries will be awarded monetary prizes:
First prize: 100,000 naira
Second prize: 50,000 naira
Third prize: 30,000 naira
b.- Note that 30% of the prize award will go to the Conference to which the writer of the winning document belongs. The money given to the Conference shall be used only for the work, activity or a project on behalf of those in need, carried out by this Conference, represented by its President.
c.- Other
Best of Luck.