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Today is a Christan holiday, that celebrates the death and resurrection of Our Lord and  Saviour, Jesus Christ. On Good Friday, Jesus was crucified and laid to rest in a tomb and he had risen to life on Easter Sunday.

So today, we celebrate this resurrection with complete cheer.


For Christ came to earth to ease our fear and grant unto us faith to believe without doubting our gift of selflessness and service in promoting hope and salvation, that, that is the essence of Easter.


May we be promoters of God’s word and so spread around the whole world the good tidings of Christ resurrection.

As Vincentians, do not abandon yourselves to despair, but always remember that we are Easter people and our song is Hallelujahhhhhhh!

I wish one and all a lovely Easter, warm sunshine and the beauty of spring all round you.




~Margret Ogwa Abah

National Financial Secretary

Vincentian Youths of Nigeria



Dear friends,

As we wrap up this season of Lent and celebrate the feast of Easter, it may be good to reflect on our own attitudes. Do we feel justified in wanting to punish hatred with more violence? What are our thoughts about the death penalty (which is what Jesus died under)? Do we ever pray for the conversion of our enemies, even cruel dictators and terrorists? Sometimes it can be easier to forgive people “out there,” rather than those who have hurt us personally.

We must be willing to go deeper and discover the roots of evil and then use love to conquer it. On the feast of Easter we celebrate and proclaim that we believe, as in the case of Jesus, God can and does bring good out of suffering and that His life conquered sin and evil.

Just imagine what our lives would be like if every Christian in the world would really live the commandment of love. There would be much less war, hatred and violence. People would ask for and offer forgiveness. No one would be hungry because people would share with one another. The only news to report would be good news.

As Christians who believe in the Resurrection, we must strive to be models of love and hope. Our good works during Lent must continue throughout the rest of the year. We have a mission to make Christ known by our love. We must express our belief that, even in this gloomy, dark time, God will not abandon us — just like He did not abandon His Son, Jesus.

Each of us is called to go out to all the people in our own little world and proclaim this good news.

And if current events sometimes make it hard for you to believe that God is still present in all of this, ask Him to deepen your faith and to help you to remember when He brought you out of difficulties in your life. Easter tells us that God never leaves us in our pain and often brings good out of evil.

Happy Easter celebration in love and abundance of grace.

~Chimezie Bright Victor Nwaelele

National Youth Coordinator

Vincentian Youths of Nigeria



Today when victory emanates from silence and hope replaces fear. A day when believers as of old were scattered in pain and united in the promise of one who assures that his resurrection is nigh upon us.

On this day, believers & vincentian youths alike in anticipation of the victory on the cross, knows that God is everywhere, Even in fear comes faith that after the darkest points of our life, the light lurks within. We rejoice in that the sting of death couldn’t hold Christ, therefore, no pain, trials or tribulations can forestall the blessings of God in our lives.

Coincidentally, across most Metropolitan councils, Vincentian youths will as usual take the lead and bring to bare the new found hope instead of despair in the lives of our masters through charity works. We as vessels through which humanity will see the risen Lord in the face of their predicament, aptly defines a shared common faith that though weeping may tarry through the night, But Joy cometh in the morning.

Warm wishes on holy Saturday to fellow vincentian youths and all Christians round the globe.

Indeed charity encompasses all.


~Peterclaver Udechukwu

National Project Officer

Vincentian Youths of Nigeria.


Good Friday

Good Friday is one of the Triduum.

It is a Friday before Easter that the Holy mother church commemorate the passion and death of our Lord Jesus Christ, though a day saddened with grief and pains yet called “Good”. it is a day that heralded Christ mission on Earth in which he paid for our guilts (sins) and re-establish us with our father like it was in the beginning of days.

Today the Holy mother church venerates the cross universally, because the cross is the principal symbol of our Christian Faith and through which salvation of humanity was won.

The cross has remained a symbol and a relic to Christians for protection which wades off demonic influence.


The cross also reminds us of the victory Jesus Christ won for us through sacrifice and forgiveness and wants us to replicate same in our daily lives.


We make the sign of the cross as Catholics because we recognise this victory in the cross by invoking the HOLY TRINITY in our prayers.

As vincentians be proud to make the sign of the cross in your daily prayers and always.


Happy Good Friday!


~ Elizabeth Sunday

National Secretary

Vincentian Youths of Nigeria

Lenten Messages and Vincentian Spirituality

Lenten Observances and the Vincentian Duties (Article 2/2)

….by John Chongkon Aniya.

Lent also referred to as Quadragesima ‘fortieth’ in Latin is the period whereby Christian religious practitioners commemorate the forty(40) days in which Jesus Christ spent fasting in the desert and enduring temptation by Satan and also includes the period of His death which serve as the foundation of Christianity. Lent is observed by the Roman Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran, Eastern Orthodox, Methodist and many other traditions of Christianity.
In the Catholic Church particularly, Lent is celebrated with the omission of the Gloria, Alleluia and also veiling of Holy images used. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday in the Western rites and on clean Monday in the Eastern rites and lasted until evening of Holy Saturday. Sundays may or may not be excluded depending on the denomination. These period of Lent normal ends with a great celebration of Easter.

Lenten Observances

Three major activities are normally observed during the period of Lent. They are prayers, fasting
and almsgiving.

Prayer is a way of communicating with God and growing in a good relationship with Him. Engaging in prayers especially during this Lenten season help to reduce stress, decreases blood pressure and heart rate psychologically. It gives an opportunity for someone to express his/her innermost fear to God Almighty by so doing, it removes the piled up challenges in the heart and mind thereby increasing mental health of an individual. It also increases empathy in human views which let to knowledge and understanding. Prayers are offered to God Almighty in different ways and circumstances; through adoration, confession, Thanksgiving and petition. All through this processes, a close communication and abjuration with God is achieved.

Fasting is one of the major ingredients during the period of Lent. It involves abstaining from something to reduce distraction and focus on what is more desirable which is closeness to God.
In fasting we have a clear path to God (Daniel9:3), through fasting shows our sorrow for the  sins we are committing(1Samuel7:6), we learned about humility, self control, save time and resources, develop intentionality and help us control excesses in life. In fasting, we are able to fight the devil, rediscover God purpose in our life, strengthen our connection with God and also help us to avoid the calamities in life we live.

Almsgiving and Vincentian duties.

Lenten season call for making the need of others our priority, therefore, the need for almsgiving. The burden we carry in observance of fasting, help us to appreciate the suffering of others. Thereby when we share our possession with others shows the beginning of the Christian faith we practice. Almsgiving does not mean it is done for the benefit of the poor only, it also benefit us too, it assist us in conversion of our heart and also grow our freedom in existence. Therefore, the need for Vincentian duties especially in the Lenten season. Vincentians are known for their charitable show case and compassion to their masters the poor. This act mostly is by direct assistance with food, clothes, shoes, caring for the homeless, providing social housing and even go further in providing self sufficiency in a
community, which enable people to help themselves and be independent. At this period of Lent, it is a duty for Vincentians to practice their calling sufficiently and in glorification to God Almighty. They are to do more in fighting for social justice and also seeking to transform the cause of poverty, this is mostly in advocacy for good leadership by those in position of power.

Vincentians are called upon to remember the frequent slogan which admonishes their services “whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers, that you do unto me” says the Lord.

In this period of Lent, we are call upon to be the light of the world by been an exemplary figure (Ephesians 5:8-14) admonishes us to be different, we should get rid of darkness and carry light to wherever we go. During this period of Lent, through our prayers, fasting and almsgiving signify the presence of light of God in us, therefore it is a duty for us to take this light and shine the world bright through our love, sacrifices, humility, discipline and faith which truly show the Christ-like nature in us.

Lenten Messages and Vincentian Spirituality

Lenten Observances and the Vincentian Duties (Article 1/2)

by Sis Akinsola Miriam Bosede.

The Lenten season of the catholic faith is characterized by Mercy and this mercy comes from Christ who endures
the Cross to give us freedom and show us how to relate with one another. Lenten season
begins with Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Thursday also known as the mass of the Lord’s
supper. The ash used on Ash Wednesdays are a reminder of how unworthy and sorry we are as faithful and
also the fact that we came from dust and to dust we shall return. This season is also a call to
reconciliation and repentance to God. As Vincentian the Lenten season should be a moment of
reawakening and rededication of ourselves to God and our vocation since the word of God
makes us understand that by arm shall no man prevail
Lenten observances are characterized by abstinence, prayer and alms giving. As a Vincentian it
is expected that during this season that I pray, give alms and recite my rosary so also is every
Christian but what makes us Vincentian outstanding is our ability and tendency to do all this and
more such as spreading the message of Christ’s mercy while at the same time creating faith in
the hearts of those we meet with love, simplicity, humbleness and being zealous.
Being faithful to our vocation of selflessness service to the poor and ones in need is of utmost
importance and at such we must always remember that the specific purpose for this is, for the
salvation of the poor ones who have been forgotten and abandoned by the society because just
like the priest we have been sent to proclaim the good news of salvation in words and by our actions as commanded by the words of our Lord Jesus Christ when he said “Go ye into the world and proclaim the good
news to the poor”.

Thus we share in the mission and vision of Christ and the church in
evangelization and being a neighbour and friend to the poor. To them we are the image of the
invisible Christ. This same virtues was shown by our patron saint; St. Vincent de Paul.

Who in following Christ dedicated himself to the service of the poor and their needs. Therefore it is
expected that this Lenten season, we replicate what Christ did by caring for the Poor, providing
for their needs, helping them develop faith in God, consoling them in the moment when it’s
needed and directing them to the right path.
God has always at times have a special love for the Poor and we must perform our duties also
with love so that God may also love us on account of the love we show when we carry out our
Part of our duties this season is to visit the poor, the sick, the weak and those abandoned so we
learn and share in their sufferings so we can be able to offer our help and also pray for them
before God.
It is expected that at the end of this article, we should understand that the work of the poor are
to be treated with the utmost urgency and love and not be delayed because God does not look
at what we have done but the love with which we do them.

For whatsoever we do to the least of our brethren, that we do unto Christ!


Dearest Vincentian Youths,

​Today, we stood on the threshold of history as we went ahead despite all odd to commemorate our drive for the year.

The task history has saddled us with today is to proclaim a theme voted by you, THE VINCENTIAN YOUTHS OF NIGERIA.

We are therefore proud to say your choice theme represent that which keep us STRONG, UNITED and MOVING!!

Despite Operating within the limitations placed by the rather wearisome cashless policy which has forced most registered participants from far and near to physically miss the event and some unforeseen challenges encountered by the host metropolitan council, which has also foisted on us the imperative of a low-keyed and low-turnout celebration.

Indeed, the selected option of theme depicts our togetherness, service and fellowship whose natural stature, grit and passion illuminate the darkness of our world today. This, to us, is a special campaign to do more collectively.

It is, therefore, with a deep feeling of joy we announce to you “CHARITY ENCOMPASSES ALL” as the theme of the year 2023.

God Bless International confederation of society of St. Vincent de Paul, Nigeria.

God bless the Vincentian Youths of Nigeria.

St. Vincent de Paul… Pray for us.

Bro Bro V.C Nwaelele.‏

National Youth Coordinator.

Vincentian Youths Of Nigeria.

2021 National Literary (Writing) Contest — Guidelines

Writing Contest Guidelines




Entries must be submitted by 10 p.m. on Saturday, August 7th, 2021.

Please carefully read and follow the submission guidelines below:

  • To be eligible, you must be a confirmed registered and active (YOUTH) member of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in Nigeria.
  • By entering the contest, you confirm that the essay submission is your own original creation, and not entered for any other contest or similar event, not even in part. Nor will texts previously published in print or on any platform or communication media be valid.
  • A written essay is the only literary form accepted (no poems, plays, songs, etc.).
  • Only one essay may be submitted by each contestant.
  • Each essay should reflect the contestant’s own interpretation and original thinking.
  • Each essay should be given an original title.
  • Fill your Participant’s Personal Verification Details on the last page of the work, and again on the body of the email.

Essay Specifications:

  • Entries are to be written in English language
  • The essay must not exceed 20 (A4-size) pages written on one side, including the cover and closing pages, double-spaced.
  • Use 12-point font (preferably Times New Roman or Arial).
  • Use 1-inch margins all around.
  • Do not justify the right margin.
  • Pages should be sequentially numbered.
  • Essay is to be submitted on both WORD and PDF versions.
  • Essay may include all types of images and / or graphic documents which help to explain the topic of the work submitted.

Essays will be judged on the following criteria:

  1. Creativity – Does the essay reflect a creative and original perspective on the book?
  2. Organization – Does the argument follow a logical and easily understood progression?
  3. Clarity – Did the author use concise language?
  4. Unity/Development of thought – Does the essay reflect a thorough comprehension of the subject and our Vincentian Apostolate?
  5. Grammar/Mechanics – Did the contestant use correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation?

Judging of Submissions:

  • The essays will be independently judged by a committee of 7 professional judges, and collected by a secret planning team.
  • Finalists will be announced and invited to the National Youth Convention where the Winners will be announced.
  • The winners will receive their awards upon announcement during the Convention, August 26th – 29th, 2021.

Submitting Your Essay:

Entries must be received electronically on/before 10 p.m. on Saturday: August 7th, 2021 at the following email: and copy

When submitting, please attach an electronic (Both WORD and PDF) version of your essay to the email.

Participant’s Personal Verification Details:

Include the following information in the body of your email message:

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Conference
  • Name of Central Council
  • Name of Metropolitan Council
  • Name of Conference President (Adult)
  • Phone number of Conference President


Monetary prizes for the Literary Competition winners:

a.- The writers of the three best entries will be awarded monetary prizes:

First prize:                100,000 naira

Second prize:           50,000 naira

Third prize:               30,000 naira

b.- Note that 30% of the prize award will go to the Conference to which the writer of the winning document belongs. The money given to the Conference shall be used only for the work, activity or a project on behalf of those in need, carried out by this Conference, represented by its President.

c.- Other


Best of Luck.

President General’s Message on the Occasion of the 187th anniversary of the SSVP

On April 23, 2020, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul will celebrate its 187th anniversary. With pride and joy, we praise the meritorious initiative of the seven founders, who, inspired by the Holy Spirit, founded the first Conference of Charity in Paris.

Since then, with God’s help, the Society has spread over the five continents. Today, our Society is present in 150 territories, bringing together 47,000 Conferences and 800,000 active members, and helping 30 million people worldwide every day. So, congratulations to all fellow members, associate members, benefactors and employees for the 187th anniversary of the SSVP!

These 187 years are lessons learnt for us all. This is why I dream of a SSVP free from the excessive bureaucracy in which it is immersed today. In many places of the world, this is turning it into an organisation full of constraints, restrictions, prohibitions and hurdles based upon a rigid hierarchy. I dream of a SSVP without barriers to effective communication, because we know that one of the most recurring problems in our entity is information, which is not conveyed to the grassroots.

I dream of a SSVP more open to the new forms of poverty: loneliness, drugs and mental disorders… challenges that our Conferences are not always ready to face. I dream of a more efficient SSVP when it comes to promoting pro-poor growth and helping people in our Vincentian works.

Ultimately, I dream of a peaceful SSVP, without internal conflicts, with members solely focused on conversion, sanctification and a more fraternal world. I pray to Blessed Antoine-Frédéric Ozanam to inspire us to be more pious, more tolerant and more friendly. Now, I would like to extend my invitation to all fellow members of the world. So come and dream with me!


Renato Lima de Oliveira

16th President General




A feast day in the Catholic Church is primarily celebrated on the anniversary of a Saint’s death. St Vincent died on the 27th of September, 1660. This is an important annual celebration in the liturgical year and a chance for all active Vincentians and indeed benefactors to reflect on how his legacy lives on today through our good works.

St Vincent urged his followers to bring God’s justice and love to people who are most vulnerable and unable to live a full life.

He walked the streets to seek out and help people experiencing extreme hardship. This is the Spirit that pervades the work of the Society today.

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul was founded in France in 1833 by a group of students led by Frederic Ozanam. Ozanam as a student was surprised to find that the professors in the course of their lectures took every opportunity to attack Christianity and Catholicism in particular. The attack bothered principally on the sore point that in the midst of gospel preaching, there was no practical show of love to the poor and oppressed. His search for a solution led him to the poor. “it is not enough to believe or even to defend the faith, not enough to adore the God of the Gospel, one must follow Christ in the service of the poor”.

St Vincent was chosen as the Patron Saint of the Society due to his extraordinary personal example of tender and practical love for the poor and for inspiring others to do works of mercy.


Our theme for this year’s feast “Charity Beyond Aid” is borne out of our realization and acceptance of the fact that there is a need for a paradigm shift in the way we render service to our masters. It identifies with the broad-based and interdependent sustainable development goals set by the United Nations General Assembly since 2015.

Let us recall that while Goal 1 is “No poverty”, Goal 2 is “Zero Hunger”.

Statistics show that 1 in 10 people live below the extreme poverty threshold. If our country has been declared the poverty capital of the world, I fear to guess what our ratio will be.

Goal 2 on Zero Hunger says “end hunger, achieve food security and improve nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.

Agriculture has been identified as the single largest employer in the world, providing a livelihood for over 50% in Africa. Experts have recognized that one of the effective ways of ending hunger is by improving agricultural productivity and incomes of small scale food producers especially women and indigenous peoples.


The terrible condition of extreme poverty in 1833 France that challenged FerdrickOzanam and his friends into founding our society seem to be very much with us today. However, we realize that we cannot employ the same methods used in service to the poor in the 17th century forever. As society changes, even the mode of effective service to the poor must change. We must aim at greater impact by moving from feeding the poor to empowering them as much as possible. Yet you cannot empower others if you are not empowered yourself. Our conference has thus taken a bold step towards empowerment by aiming at engaging in agriculture and such other business ventures as will sustain our service to the poor and facilitate their empowerment.

St Vincent De Paul invites you on the occasion of our feast day to donate generously towards the empowerment of the powerless. Remember the words of Our Lord Jesus Christ “whatsoever you do to the least of these my brethren, that you do unto me”.

We invite you to rejoice with us on this special feast day, that is being celebrated on Sunday, the 29th of September, 2019.


SOURCE: Anthony Ezenwokos Blog