Today when victory emanates from silence and hope replaces fear. A day when believers as of old were scattered in pain and united in the promise of one who assures that his resurrection is nigh upon us.
On this day, believers & vincentian youths alike in anticipation of the victory on the cross, knows that God is everywhere, Even in fear comes faith that after the darkest points of our life, the light lurks within. We rejoice in that the sting of death couldn’t hold Christ, therefore, no pain, trials or tribulations can forestall the blessings of God in our lives.
Coincidentally, across most Metropolitan councils, Vincentian youths will as usual take the lead and bring to bare the new found hope instead of despair in the lives of our masters through charity works. We as vessels through which humanity will see the risen Lord in the face of their predicament, aptly defines a shared common faith that though weeping may tarry through the night, But Joy cometh in the morning.
Warm wishes on holy Saturday to fellow vincentian youths and all Christians round the globe.
Indeed charity encompasses all.
~Peterclaver Udechukwu
National Project Officer
Vincentian Youths of Nigeria.