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Lenten Messages and Vincentian Spirituality

Lenten Observances and the Vincentian Duties (Article 1/2)

by Sis Akinsola Miriam Bosede.

The Lenten season of the catholic faith is characterized by Mercy and this mercy comes from Christ who endures
the Cross to give us freedom and show us how to relate with one another. Lenten season
begins with Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Thursday also known as the mass of the Lord’s
supper. The ash used on Ash Wednesdays are a reminder of how unworthy and sorry we are as faithful and
also the fact that we came from dust and to dust we shall return. This season is also a call to
reconciliation and repentance to God. As Vincentian the Lenten season should be a moment of
reawakening and rededication of ourselves to God and our vocation since the word of God
makes us understand that by arm shall no man prevail
Lenten observances are characterized by abstinence, prayer and alms giving. As a Vincentian it
is expected that during this season that I pray, give alms and recite my rosary so also is every
Christian but what makes us Vincentian outstanding is our ability and tendency to do all this and
more such as spreading the message of Christ’s mercy while at the same time creating faith in
the hearts of those we meet with love, simplicity, humbleness and being zealous.
Being faithful to our vocation of selflessness service to the poor and ones in need is of utmost
importance and at such we must always remember that the specific purpose for this is, for the
salvation of the poor ones who have been forgotten and abandoned by the society because just
like the priest we have been sent to proclaim the good news of salvation in words and by our actions as commanded by the words of our Lord Jesus Christ when he said “Go ye into the world and proclaim the good
news to the poor”.

Thus we share in the mission and vision of Christ and the church in
evangelization and being a neighbour and friend to the poor. To them we are the image of the
invisible Christ. This same virtues was shown by our patron saint; St. Vincent de Paul.

Who in following Christ dedicated himself to the service of the poor and their needs. Therefore it is
expected that this Lenten season, we replicate what Christ did by caring for the Poor, providing
for their needs, helping them develop faith in God, consoling them in the moment when it’s
needed and directing them to the right path.
God has always at times have a special love for the Poor and we must perform our duties also
with love so that God may also love us on account of the love we show when we carry out our
Part of our duties this season is to visit the poor, the sick, the weak and those abandoned so we
learn and share in their sufferings so we can be able to offer our help and also pray for them
before God.
It is expected that at the end of this article, we should understand that the work of the poor are
to be treated with the utmost urgency and love and not be delayed because God does not look
at what we have done but the love with which we do them.

For whatsoever we do to the least of our brethren, that we do unto Christ!