SSVP AGM Kaduna 2019
The St Vincent de Paul Annual General Meeting (AGM) is here again. The host city for 2019 is Kaduna, Nigeria. The AGM is theme “The Poor Sacrament of the Presence of Christ”.
Registration fee: N15,000 per delegate ans it is compulsory for every Metro/Central Council President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Youth Coordinator, as well as every particular Council Presidents. The event is also open to every Nigerian Vincentians.
Goodwill Messages: N10,000 (Full Page) for Metro Councils, N5,000 (Half Page) for Central Council. We are encouraged to felicitate with the National President on his maiden AGM.
Bank Account: Union Bank 0089137892. Account
Account Name: Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Kaduna Central Council.
We encourage pre-event registration to ensure proper planning.